AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: 2. inglisx Fqnetik simplifiyd inglisx. Simplifiyd graemr and speling, iizi tq lrrn. (Inglisx is basically the same as Blitz-English the only difference being that it is written purely in a unique, simple and understandable phonetic spelling system.) 3. Rusanto Simplified quick basic Russian using latin alphabet and Esperanto-like regular grammar and spelling. Ever wanted to learn Russian? At least the basics for everyday communication? Try this: Rusanto! 4. universal slavic language Simplified interslavic: simplified Slavic Language SLOVIO is understood by some 400 million speakers around the world and is one of the simplest and easiest languages in the World. All speakers of Slavic languages understand Slovio. Learn Slovio now! 5. Slovak Learn the Slovak language. 6. Chinese Learn the Chinese language. linguistic links